Edit Quest GUI
This page describes how to use the GUI edit
Last updated
This page describes how to use the GUI edit
Last updated
Having the necessary permissions and using the command "/quests edit" you can access the quest editing GUI. The interface is very similar to the standard one with the "/quests" command, in this case however if we select the icon of a mission an additional GUI will open for editing.
In the bottom bar of the GUI we can find the following buttons: EXIT : To close the GUI. HIDE COMPLETED MISSION : Enable/disable display of completed missions. NEW MISSION : Create a new mission TOTAL ACTIVE MISSIONS: Sets the maximum number of missions that can be activated at the same time.
Selecting a mission icon will open this GUI, where you can change: - Icon - Mission Name - Mission description + progress - Enable or disable the mission for players - Add up to 10 mission completion requirements - Edit the reward message - Change the commands executed upon mission completion
ICON: accepts any in-game item ID. (Example: DIRT , GRASS_BLOCK , APPLE) MISSION NAME: Enter a name of your choice. Accept colored text using "&" (Example: &aMiner) MISSION DESCRIPTION + PROGRESS: You can enter one or more lines that will be added to the object's lore. To divide the various lines use " ; " (Example: &eBreak 10 blocks; &eof stone). To enter the mission progression, add %progress<n>% to the description, replacing <n> with the mission action number. (Example: &fBroken Blocks: &a%progress1%) ENABLE/DISABLE MISSION: By interacting with the icon it is possible to disable the mission, hiding it from the players' GUI. REWARD MESSAGE: This message should describe the reward you receive upon completing the mission. (Example: &a5 Diamonds and &e100$) COMMANDS: Enter one or more commands separated by " ; ". Entering %player% instead of the player name. (Example: give %player% diamond 5; heal %player%) MISSION MODIFICATIONS: It is possible to create 10 different types of actions in a single mission
For each action there is a reference to a mission type described here:
On each action we have to set 3 necessary parameters: type of action, reference object/entity and quantity. Example1: Type: kill , object: ZOMBIE , quantity 10 Example2: Type: break , object: STONE , quantity 8
To add or remove actions there are two dedicated icons: Red to remove, Green to add. All changes are saved directly in the file.