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Having the necessary permissions and using the command "/quests edit" you can access the quest editing GUI. The interface is very similar to the standard one with the "/quests" command, in this case however if we select the icon of a mission an additional GUI will open for editing.
In the bottom bar of the GUI we can find the following buttons: EXIT : To close the GUI. HIDE COMPLETED MISSION : Enable/disable display of completed missions. NEW MISSION : Create a new mission TOTAL ACTIVE MISSIONS: Sets the maximum number of missions that can be activated at the same time.
Selecting a mission icon will open this GUI, where you can change: - Icon - Mission Name - Mission description + progress - Enable or disable the mission for players - Add up to 10 mission completion requirements - Edit the reward message - Change the commands executed upon mission completion
ICON: accepts any in-game item ID. (Example: DIRT , GRASS_BLOCK , APPLE) MISSION NAME: Enter a name of your choice. Accept colored text using "&" (Example: &aMiner) MISSION DESCRIPTION + PROGRESS: You can enter one or more lines that will be added to the object's lore. To divide the various lines use " ; " (Example: &eBreak 10 blocks; &eof stone). To enter the mission progression, add %progress<n>% to the description, replacing <n> with the mission action number. (Example: &fBroken Blocks: &a%progress1%) ENABLE/DISABLE MISSION: By interacting with the icon it is possible to disable the mission, hiding it from the players' GUI. REWARD MESSAGE: This message should describe the reward you receive upon completing the mission. (Example: &a5 Diamonds and &e100$) COMMANDS: Enter one or more commands separated by " ; ". Entering %player% instead of the player name. (Example: give %player% diamond 5; heal %player%) MISSION MODIFICATIONS: It is possible to create 10 different types of actions in a single mission
For each action there is a reference to a mission type described here:
On each action we have to set 3 necessary parameters: type of action, reference object/entity and quantity. Example1: Type: kill , object: ZOMBIE , quantity 10 Example2: Type: break , object: STONE , quantity 8
To add or remove actions there are two dedicated icons: Red to remove, Green to add. All changes are saved directly in the file.
This page describes how to use the GUI edit